Fall is great, isn’t it?  It’s fresh and crisp and smells nice, and the leaves start turning their leaves to remind us that winter is coming.  In New England we get brilliant foliage in reds and oranges that make the mountains look like hot embers.  In Wyoming the cottonwoods, aspens, and cedars turn a beautiful gold that shimmers in the autumnal sun.

I was walking today, as I do every day, down Massachusetts Avenue near my workplace, and saw this tree. I see it every day and it’s just a regular old maple tree growing on the street corner.  But for the last few days its leaves have been turning red, and today, due to the cool light of the rainy cloudy weather, it was particularly vibrant.  This isn’t a very good picture because I took it with my camera phone, and really doesn’t do the tree justice.  But I had to share anyhow because it got me thinking about all of the things I particularly love about fall.  My top ten (in no special order) are:

  1. apples
  2. harvest moons
  3. crisp air
  4. wearing socks again
  5. wearing sweaters again
  6. football
  7. new school supplies
  8. fall foliage
  9. misty mornings
  10. warm soups

What are yours?